How do you deal with a concrete patio area when you have a budget that does not enable you to rip up the concrete and start from scratch? Although you might not be able to rip out concrete, you could begin amending the things you can change. A great tool to help with this problem is the iScape app as it will enable you to add and subtract items from the photograph in order to find the perfect combination of hardscaping and landscaping.

In this before and after photo you see a small cottage with a big problem; too much concrete and absolutely no landscaping in its small side yard. Using the iScape app, we have created a pleasant and shaded side yard, with shady furniture and container plantings occupying the sitting area, which is on top of the concrete pad. Read below for some smart tips on how to make a cement patio far more attractive.
Tips to Make an Ugly Cement Patio Attractive Again
- Clean Up the Cement Patio – The easiest way to make an ugly cement patio attractive again is to power wash it. A good old-fashioned clean up job can reveal brand new looking cement below all the layers of dirt. Power washing can also lift old paint, stains, and give new life to the patio.
- Use Cement Paint and Paint the Patio – Concrete is most typically a bland and neutral gray color.
Spice it up by painting the concrete white, black, or a bold color. Power wash the area first to remove debris, then apply exterior latex paint or concrete paint with a roller. Want to paint a rug design, giant flower, or some other creative idea? Use brushes and multiple colors. - Build a Deck or Lay Brick or Pavers to Conceal Ugly Concrete – One way to conceal ugly concrete is to build a deck or lay brick or pavers over the top of the ugliness. Creating a new patio area by building on top of the old can enhance and beautify the concrete area. If laying brick or pavers, it is important to spread paver base first, level, then apply mortar, and set pavers directly on top. Brush polymeric sand in between pavers and water in to harden the material.
- Lay Ornamental Tile to Hide Concrete – It has become increasingly popular to lay ornamental tile over the top of concrete. It is waterproof, colorful, and durable. Most importantly, if the concrete area is level, the tile will be long-lasting. Just like laying tile in your bathroom or kitchen, clean the concrete well, then apply tile adhesive, set the tiles, then grout between tiles. Spray clean.
- Cover an Ugly Concrete Patio with Temporary Material – Before placing furniture on concrete, clean it well with a power washer, then put down a boldly colored indoor-outdoor carpet or modular wood tiles. These solutions are temporary, but can beautify the concrete for the season until a homeowner can build a more permanent plan.
Download iScape now and discover the best way to build a smart landscape design. iScape it!