Every year countless thousands of spent garden bulbs are tossed in the dumpster after the bulbs – such as tulips – make their flowery show. Then landscapers dig the bulbs out and throw them away to make way for the summer flower plantings.
This is particularly common at corporate buildings and other large corporate sites. You can save these bulbs and other green waste and reuse it in other landscapes though!

What is Green Waste?
Due to overfilled landfills, most states have banned or are beginning to ban “green wastes” such as landscaping waste, which is composed of organic materials. Yet many states still allow this type of wasteful dumping. In the past, when a landscaping company pulled out tulip bulbs or plant materials and bushes, it went straight to the garbage dump.
Currently, many communities are using ordinances requiring construction firms to submit recycling plans for their construction and landscaping projects and to report the quantity of materials disposed of and recycled. Prevent landfill overcrowding by finding ways to reuse the materials whenever possible.
Rescue Bulbs for Your Landscape

Contact large landscaping companies near you and ask for landscaping material that is going to the landfill to use in your or your client’s gardens at no cost.

Oftentimes, companies will dig up huge swathes of tulips and daffodil bulbs, for instance, and leave them in a pile for you to pick up. Replant the bulbs – not all of them will return – but the effort will be worth it because a strong quantity will come back. You can find materials for free, which can help beautify a homeowner’s garden while also reducing the materials going to landfills.
Rescuing garden materials can save you money and make a big difference for your community.
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