Post-Sale Look: Show Your Clients the Potential

Show clients how a new home can be personalized using the world of possibilities that iScape can help create! People shopping for new homes can be overwhelmed by the entire experience, so why not assist them by showing them exactly what is possible with their new outdoor space?

Using a photo of the prospective new home, you can demonstrate things that can’t be imagined with a few quick clicks, using iScape. Using the 2D capabilities, you can sit with your clients and play around with the thousands of options that iScape provides. Each member of the family can have a say too!

On site, use iScape’s powerful Augmented Reality mode to do a virtual walk-through on how their prospective property could look in their very near future. From pools and sheds to vegetable gardens and stone walks, using Augmented Reality you can let them experience how their new yard can feel.

The power of a well-designed landscape is often underutilized as a sales tool, especially in newer homes where there is a blank canvas. Clients can be led through what is possible now as well as how things will grow and mature over the years.

Get your customers excited about their future new home before the paperwork is even signed. All it takes is iScape!

show clients the potential post-sale look
show clients the potential post-sale look

Download iScape now to show clients how a new home can be personalized using iScape’s world of possibilities. iScape it!