Full, colorful window boxes are a sure sign of summer. To begin your foolproof planting, start with fresh potting soil that’s light and fluffy. Mix in a fertilizer, Osmacote is a long-lasting slow release formula or compost, that you make at home, that will increase water retention and feed your plants all summer long. Most annuals have the same needs so don’t be afraid to experiment. The usual ratio is to include some taller plants, some that fill in the middle and some that drape over the side, but these days anything goes.
You’ll be watering your window boxes once or more a day, high temperatures and summer winds can dry out a small container quickly. Always check the soil for moisture before you water so you don’t go overboard! Your window box must always have drainage holes at the bottom, it may seem like a good idea to keep all that watering that you’re doing from escaping but indeed, good drainage is essential to happy plants.
Your window box is a showpiece: plan on packing the plants in tightly. Summer is short and there may not be time to let things grow in.
Trailing petunias: Petunias are a long-blooming classic. Purchase a few sizes and colors and plant them together for a riot of non-stop color until the frost comes. Petunias need ample moisture or they will dry out quickly. You can also purchase a hanging basket of petunias and divide it into 2 pieces to add to your window box for a full look even quicker.
Succulents: Filling your window box entirely with succulents is an on-trend and low maintenance option. Succulents come in many textures and colors, some are big and bulky and some will drape over the side. It’s all about finding a combination you like. A window box filled with succulents can be watered much less than traditional flowers, check the soil every few days for moisture.
For Shade: Alternate the Coleus of your choice with Asparagus Fern, surround with New Guinea Impatiens and Creeping Jenny
Herbs: Add lavender, purple basil, parsley, and tricolor sage in the middle back. Surround with thyme, oregano, and marjoram. Pop some nasturtium seeds in between the plants and you’ll have cascading, edible leaves and flowers in weeks. have cascading, edible leaves and flowers in weeks.