Now, more than ever, people are planting in their gardens; both vegetable material and landscaping plants. Of course, landscapers are deemed essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic because maintenance of our homes, businesses, and properties must continue. While some landscapers are noticing a cut back in business due to the economic crisis, we can keep landscapers working by building a safe exchange for both landscaper and consumer.
Creating smart pandemic social distancing policies can help both landscaper and homeowner feel safe and protected. Below is a list of helpful ideas -
- Schedule the Visit – When the visit is scheduled, decide how you would like to accept payment and also communicate with one another during the COVID-19 pandemic asking about preferred policies for landscaping projects. Both contractor and homeowner should discuss what precautions are best for your business exchange. For example, would the homeowner feel more comfortable with an open door and mask on exchange or perhaps prefer giving you instructions for the project over the phone? You can easily come to the home, stand outside and have the homeowner direct you around the landscape while on the telephone together. It’s best to know upfront what the policy is so that each side will feel comfortable with precautions.
- Masks & Gloves – Contractors should always wear a mask and gloves whenever in range of open doors, open windows, public access, and other workers. Should landscapers touch the home on door handles, windows, or another area, be sure to sanitize that area.
- Stay 6 Feet Apart – Social distancing means not gathering or working in large groups and staying a distance apart. This means that contractors should follow a strong social distancing policy, staying well away from individual workers and homeowners. Keep in mind that when a worker is doing heavy lifting and other exercise, he is breathing more heavily like a runner might, so it is advised to stay up to 20 feet away from one another since a worker’s breath might be projected much farther than 6 feet.
Payment – Decide up front – when scheduling the visit – how payment or tip will be exchanged. Cash can be filled with germs, including the COVID-19 virus, and the virus can live up to 5 days on paper. If paying in cash, have the cash sealed inside an envelope and set on a surface outside the door. If possible, leave money sealed in the envelope for more than 5 days before opening to be clear of the virus. Better yet, accepting payment digitally via a mobile peer-to-peer payment app such as Venmo, Apple Pay, Google Wallet, or Square would enable customer and landscaper to have a touch-free transaction.