City gardens, with small or non-existent front landscapes, are often overlooked as potential for a beautiful garden design. Homeowners often throw in a tree and some grass and call it a day. Yet, small gardens can be as beautiful and impactful as large gardens. All it takes is a little bit of advance planning.
The beautiful design in these photos was completed with the iScape app. Many people feel that because the space is small, that the rule “more is less” applies. However, it is clear to see in the after images that more is, well, MORE. What an amazing display of plants and color!
Five Steps to Design a City Garden
- Decide what you will do in your space – How will this garden be used? Will you barbecue or eat meals there? Is a storage space required? Would you prefer flowers, foliage plants, or vegetables?
- Decide what hardscaping is needed to help you live in your space – Do you want a patio or deck? Or perhaps you need a retaining wall or fence added? Measure the space and consider your priorities.
- Do you understand what the sun and water requirements are for your space and climate? – Planting a successful garden means planting plants with similar sun and water requirements. Understanding what plants are good for your garden zone can bring success.
- Create a design or blueprint for your space – Now that you know the sun and water requirements, the hardscaping needs, and the space itself, it is time to put the design into a form where you can visualize the final layout. iScape can do this in a matter of minutes. Simply upload a photo of the area and start mixing and matching landscape plants to your heart's content.
- Add container gardens and furniture – Once the basic plantings and hardscape are put into place (see photos of an example), then it’s time to add any raised containers or furniture to finish off the design.
Building a city garden is so much easier when you can see the final layout and understand what it will look like. Easy for homeowners and landscapers to find success planning together.
Download iScape now and find designs that can truly impact your living space. Or, if you need some design help, Hire-a-Designer now and let the iScape Pro’s help guide you! iScape it!